Deneb soft drinks plant was established as a state unitary enterprise in 1997. At that time, it was the first and only manufacturer of soft drinks in plastic containers in the Republic of Dagestan.
The first bottling line of the French company Sidel was installed on the territory of the former convoy.
However, due to poor infrastructure, it was decided to relocate the production to the village of Semender in Makhachkala, where it is still located today. The territory of the first plant is now used as a logistics center. -
The products of the Deneb company in the late 90s literally blew up the consumer market of the region, where by that time only lemonades in Soviet-style glass bottles and expensive soft drinks of world brands were presented.

The special pride of the company is the natural drinking water "Gornaya," which is the leader in the market of clean still water. It has become a household name for all bottled water in the republic. "Gornaya" originates in the glaciers of the Great Caucasus Range. A separate branch of the Miatlinskaya water conduit was laid to the plant, bypassing the city treatment facilities.
Water passes 6 stages of purification and ozonation directly at the plant. Water purification is carried out by a modern and safest method of ultrafiltration.
The classic "Deneb Pear" and "Deneb Cola" were followed by premium quality drinks in glass containers with traditional Dagestan flavors of dried apricots, dogwood, rose hips, pomegranate, feijoa, created according to a unique recipe developed by the company. The idea of launching the production of functional drinks belongs to Professor Tumalaev Nariman. In 2013 the beneficial properties of these drinks were confirmed by clinical studies at the Pyatigorsk Research Institute of Balneology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia.